Exploring Child Theology Groups

Session 1- 'Child Theology'

March 2023 at 16.00 (BST)- On Zoom

Firstly, thank you to all those that participated in this event. As our premier group, the discussion was largely in break out groups, discussing five questions around the topic of child theology. We are very excited that this became a catalyst for our further 'Exploring Child Theology Groups' and we hope to see you at one in the future. Do take a look below at the agenda, a brief recording of the event and resources that were relevant to the meeting.


4pm BST- Hello and welcome. 
4.15pm- Input from Keith White 
4.30pm- Small group discussion around the four questions below 
5.00pm- Comfort break 
5.10pm- Feedback from the small group discussions 
5.40pm- Planning the future together 
5.55pm-Closing prayer

Recording from Session 1

Please do feel free to visit our YouTube channel; comment, like and subscribe.

Five questions

Questions posed to the break-out groups during the session

  1. Process and Movement - Thus far sustained theological conversation has been scanty, and there is no core movement or members. So how can the process and methods of Child Theology (CT), notably the circles worldwide, the letters and reports, as well as the theological experiment outlined in Booklet Two, Experimenting in Child Theology, (all available on the CTM website) be refined and applied in order to facilitate new forms of companionship between and among those engaging in “C” and “T”?
  2. Theological Substance and Applicability - What are the doctrines and practices of the Christian church with which CT is currently wrestling, or on which it is throwing light in different parts of the world, churches and denominations? There have been suggestions that CT might be a catalyst for the development of indigenous theologies. Who and where could or should a start be made? A suggestion occurs in a recent book (2022) edited by Professor James Houston, An Introduction to Child Theology, in which he sees CT as a development of systematic and spiritual theologies.
  3. Questions from around the world, 2001 to the Present Day - What are the burning theological questions prompted by listening to and engagement with children today, and how far do they resonate with the 200 questions posed in De Bron in 2001? (These are summarised on pages 24-25 of the Penang 2002 CTM Report on the website)
  4. Identifying, Disseminating and Discussing Key Publications - How best to encourage shared reading and discussion of key books relating to Child Theology? There has not been much cross-fertilisation between continents or across the Atlantic. Some critics of CT seem to be unaware of Entry Point, for example. This is the most substantive text from those engaged in the process described in the Log.
  5. “Child Liberation Theology” How does CT relate to and differ from to contextual theologies?