What can we learn from Jesus’ attitude to children for a common life with them and for our adult Christian life in the world? In this book Dr Hans-Ruedi Weber, Director for Biblical Studies at the World Council of Churches, studies some texts from the Gospels to introduce a discussion of this question.
For the International Year of the Child as well as the future this book is a unique aid to the study of a subject on which there are only a few texts in the Bible.
The author provides a scholarly, yet easy easily understood, analytical study of the texts, delving into the profound implications of the words both for understanding Jesus’ attitude to children and His proclamation of the Kingdom of God.
Drawing upon ancient writings, the author illustrates also how Jesus transcended prevailing traditions about the position and education of children, and brings out the relevance of that insight for today. There is more extensive historical information in the appendices for those interested in exploring this aspect further. The study outlines and work-sheets at the end of the book enhance its usefulness for individual and group study.
Dr Hans-Ruedi Weber
ISBN 10: 2825405841
ISBN 13: 9782825405840